What is an Elangomat and what does one do?

Elangomats (ee-lang-oh-matts) are responsible for guiding Ordeal Candidates through their Ordeal experience. This can be a very rewarding experience since you get to act as a mentor to a small clan of candidates. Elangomats will be responsible for directing their clan of Ordeal Candidates through each step of the Ordeal experience. Talidandaganu’ Lodge Elangomats receive a one-of-a-kind shirt that so the Ordeal candidates can locate them easily.

The main responsibilities of the Elangomat can be summed up:

  • Individual attention – Pre-Ordeal identification and continuous monitoring.
  • Safety – Knows where each individual is located throughout the Ordeal.
  • Inspirational atmosphere – Sets Positive, conscientious example throughout Ordeal by following the Four Tests alongside the candidates.
  • Strong Friendship for life – Experience sharing bonds friends. Maintain contact with clan after the Ordeal is over.
  • Facilitates attainment of Brotherhood – Mentors during post-Ordeal period, and provides information about the Order. This leading and coaxing also tends to increase membership retention
  • If you are interested in serving as an Elangomat, please use the form below:

Elangomat Registration

I am a(Required)
Elangomats must be current Arrowmen in good standing with the Lodge, and Brotherhood Level is preferred.
Chapter (District)(Required)
By letting us know your Chapter we can get you matched with the best Clan for your success!
Elangomats must be at least Ordeal level, and Nimats must be at least Brotherhood level.
You will receive a special T-shirt that indicates you as an Elangomat at the Ordeal.
Want to stay informed?
Want to know when the upcoming trainings and opportunities to serve?
I agree to be contacted by the Lodge for followup.(Required)
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