Ordeal Weekends

Once fellow Scouts have elected those that exemplify the Scout Oath and Law to the Order of the Arrow, they become candidates for the Order. Candidates must attend an Ordeal Weekend within the year of their calling-out to complete their membership.
Candidates are normally called out at District Camporees, but can be called out at other Scouting events. All Talidandaganu’ Ordeals are held at Skymont Scout Reservation in the Spring and Fall.
Ordeal Candidates should read the Ordeal Candidate Letter.
Candidates will need to bring the following to the Ordeal weekend:
- Clothing appropriate for the weather
- Sleeping bag
- Ground cloth and tarp
- Work clothes
- Work gloves
- Field “Class A” Uniform
- Toiletries
- Tent
- Flashlight
- Canteen
- Rain gear
- BSA medical form
- Trading Post money
- Insect repellent
If you would like, you can download a printable checklist of items from the Documents & Forms page, under the Ordeal Information heading.
Upcoming Induction Weekends
9/16/2022 to 9/18/2022 – Fall Ordeal, Skymont Scout Reservation | REGISTRATION OPEN